Thursday, January 21, 2010

Published Middleton Cheshire Parish Extracted Data

I have fabricated marriage records from burials (leaving the burial date in the record) and added them and actual marriage records to the baptismal records to create one file named PemBaptMarrBuri. Marriage records come in three types:
1. marr - a true marriage record extracted directly from marriage records
2. mard - a fabricated marreage record created by duplicating a burial record that had mother data in it
3. mars - a fabricated marriage record created by copying burial records where the wife was the new widow and the"burier".
I sorted this data by date, then in descending order of the record type (to put marriages ahead of baptisms, then on the father's forename to create tentative family groups. By scanning down the father's forename column you see all the records with the same father's Christian name in a group.
You can see the sorted file here.
For details on how this was done, see the file aReadMe.txt in the Cheshire Parishes Project folder.

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